Mandy Levine Consulting, LLC
How do I investigate allegations of harassment, discrimination, and serious employee misconduct?
How do I create a more inclusive work environment where my staff have a sense of belonging?
How do I provide my staff the skills and confidence to respectfully navigate the differences among us?
I created Mandy Levine Consulting LLC in 2020 to answer these and similar questions that I found organizations of all sizes regularly ask.
Licensed as a Professional Investigator (PI) in Maine and as an attorney in Massachusetts, I regularly conduct neutral and comprehensive workplace investigations into your most challenging employment situations, such as allegations of harassment, discrimination, and serious employment misconduct. I additionally serve as an outside and neutral investigator in higher education institutions in Title IX matters.
I also facilitate engaging and highly-interactive workshops that provide your staff actionable tools and implementable resources related to creating an inclusive work environment where employees are empowered to be their authentic selves while effectively connecting with peers across differences.
Please review my website to explore my offerings.

“There is only one way to see things, until someone shows us how to look at them with different eyes.”